Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Welcome, welcome!

I've been thinking about doing this for a while. The idea behind it is two-fold. First, I want to share my idea that, no matter the outcome, putting others' needs before my own wants is always the right thing (for me) to do; whether it's keeping myself from telling a stupid person off (who may have no idea he really is stupid), or buying the guy sitting outside Burger King dinner instead of buying myself a Sprite. Second, a lot of us ask our friends or family for advice, but I think this would be a great place for people of all ages to anonymously seek an opinion from someone outside of his or her group of familiar people; someone's opinion from the outside looking in.
That being said, let's sit back & hopefully enjoy the ride!  *see disclaimer at right


  1. What a wonderful idea. It's always great to get an outside perspective.

  2. Now I just have to wait for peoples' questions! Yah! I'm so excited!

  3. Dear Aunt C,

    It's amazing how some of the after market auto parts that I buy don't have any engineers on their staff. If they did, I wouldn't have to modify the auto part that is supposed to just "fit". Just sayin. Thanks for letting me vent Aunt C.

  4. Dear Glenn:

    Yes, it is unfortunate that some after market parts need additional fabrications or modifications. I recommend LMC Trucks or JC Whitney for AM parts--they seem to have the least amount of mod needed. Glad you found a place to vent!

  5. Dear Aunt C,

    I really hope you can help me with this problem. I have this great dog, but for some reason, she will NOT learn to poop outside. I have run out of ideas!! Please help!!!

    Thanking you in advance!
    "Poop Picker Upper"

  6. Dear Poop:

    What I want to say: Either get her an endless supply of Charmin or give her to someone you don't like.

    What I will say: I would look into kennel training. When training my dog Nachos, he was only allowed out of his kennel to eat, then taken outside to do his business. We'd play with him, then send him back to his kennel. Until he leared to poop only outside, which took about 2 months (he was a puppy), he was never allowed outside of his kennel unsupervised.

    1. Thanks Aunt C!
      We do use a kennel, but not like you did. She's nearly 7 months old now. I hope it's not too late to try that method.

  7. Hey, what about me? I posted a question some weeks back, don't see it here and never got a reply. Come on Aunt C, some advice please. I was the one asking advice for my overweight husband.
